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SWD-Schlagwörter: |
| Äthiopien , Energieerzeugung , Haushalt , Biogas |
Freie Schlagwörter (Englisch): |
| biogas , digestate , dung , energy source , fertilizer |
Institut: |
| Institut für Agrartechnik |
DDC-Sachgruppe: |
| Landwirtschaft, Veterinärmedizin |
Dokumentart: |
| InProceedings (Aufsatz / Paper einer Konferenz etc.) |
Quelle: |
| CIGR International Symposium on Sustainable Bioproduction - Water, Energy and Food |
Sprache: |
| Englisch |
Erstellungsjahr: |
| 2011 |
Publikationsdatum: |
| 20.02.2013 |
Lizenz: |
Dieser Inhalt ist unter einer Creative Commons-Lizenz lizenziert.
Kurzfassung auf Englisch: |
| The objective of the study was to investigate the potential of dung as primary and secondary energy source, i.e. direct combustion of dung and combustion of its secondary products biogas or dried digestate, under consideration of its quality as fertilizer. The results of the analysis show the similarity of dung and digestate regarding combustion characteristics. Fertilizer values proved better for digestate. However, calorific value of dung proved much lower than those of biogas. Thus, biogas represents a good alternative energy source with double benefit. Besides its better combustion characteristics compared to dried dung, it also delivers a superior fertilizer. |