Universität Hohenheim

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Karaj, S. ; Barfuss, Isabel ; Schalk, J. ; Reisinger, G. ; Pude, R. ; Müller, Joachim

Modelling of air resistance during drying of wood-chips

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URN: urn:nbn:de:bsz:100-opus-8203
URL: http://opus.uni-hohenheim.de/volltexte/2013/820/

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SWD-Schlagwörter: Hackschnitzel , Trocknung
Freie Schlagwörter (Englisch): air mass flow , drying , pressure difference , woodchip.
Institut: Institut für Agrartechnik
DDC-Sachgruppe: Landwirtschaft, Veterinärmedizin
Dokumentart: InProceedings (Aufsatz / Paper einer Konferenz etc.)
Quelle: CIGR International Symposium on Sustainable Bioproduction - Water, Energy and Food
Sprache: Englisch
Erstellungsjahr: 2011
Publikationsdatum: 20.02.2013
Lizenz: Creative Commons-Lizenzvertrag Dieser Inhalt ist unter einer Creative Commons-Lizenz lizenziert.
Kurzfassung auf Englisch: The objective of this study was to investigate the parameters that affect the drying process of wood chips at low air flow conditions. This objective was determined by measuring the air pressure resistance being produced by wood chips by examining different variables such as: air flow rate, air velocity, wood chip size, bulk density, bulk height and porosity. The air flow resistance was measured inside a 3 meter high cylindrical air duct constructed at University of Hohenheim. Physical properties of two different Spruce wood chip fractions were analyzed and their characteristics were considered on fitting the model expression. The analysed model expresses the physical behaviour of air flow resistance. Statistical analyses show high correlation of air speed versus air flow resistance. The model could be used for determination of drying conditions with low air mass flow. The height of bulk density according air mass flow generated or the necessary air mass flow needed for transporting air through the bulk height.

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