Universität Hohenheim

Ergebnis der Datenbankabfrage

Nr. Titel Autor Jahr
1 Optimizing the prediction of genotypic values accounting for spatial trend andpopulation structure Müller, Bettina Ulrike 2010
2 Studies on water-soluble carbohydrates in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.): regulating traits, model analysis, early chilling effects, and future perspectives Valluru, Ravi 2009
3 Use of modeling to characterize phenology and associated traits among wheat cultivars Herndl, Markus 2008
4 Use of sensor technologies to estimate and assess the effect of various plant diseases on crop growth and development Gröll, Kerstin 2008
5 Biometrical approaches for analysing gene bank evaluation data on barley (Hordeum spec.) Hartung, Karin 2007
6 Comparative performance of annual and perennial energy cropping systems under different management regimes Böhmel, Ute Constanze 2007
7 Die Auswirkungen einer einmalig variierten Bodenbearbeitung auf Ertragsbildung, Verunkrautung und Bodennitratgehalt unter ökologischen Produktionsbedingungen Häberle, Annette 2007
8 Pflanzenbauliche Untersuchungen zum ökologischen Anbau von Körnerleguminosen an sommertrockenen Standorten Südwestdeutschlands Poetsch, Jens 2007
9 Reducing irrigation water supply to accomplish the goal of designing sustainable cropping systems in the North China plain Binder, Jochen 2007
10 Investigation and Modeling of the Optimization Potential of Adapted Nitrogen Fertilization Strategies in Corn Cropping Systems with Regard to Minimize Nitrogen Losses Link, Eva Johanna 2005
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Anzahl der Ergebnisseiten: 2
Anzahl der Dokumente: 16

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